Have you had the experience of feeling like your body is breaking down and no one can figure out what it is?
Have you been diagnosed with Lyme disease and feeling overwhelmed about the proper treatment?
Or perhaps you've been living with Lyme for a while, trying many avenues to no avail?
Lyme presents itself in a completely different clinical picture for each person which is why it's so difficult to diagnoses and treat!
It can present with migrating muscle pain, joint pain, cold hands/feet, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, weakness, spasms, lack of coordination, intermittent fevers, insomnia, heart palpitations, low mood, anxiety, hot flashes, digestive issues, headache, jaw pain, pain under your feet, skin stretch marks, frequent urination, sore throat, visual troubles and more.
One rule of thumb: if you have symptoms in every part of your body, you’ve undergone testing without identifiable cause and you’ve tried different treatment methods without much success, there’s a high chance that you’re dealing with Lyme disease!
Find out here the pathogens responsible for each of your symptoms so you know what you’re dealing with: Lyme Signs and Symptoms
To optimize your recovery from Lyme disease, your treatment needs the following 5 pillars through supplements, diet, and lifestyle changes:
Antimicrobials (therapeutic plants and/or antibiotics)
Reduce inflammation
Modulate your immune system
Support your adrenals and mitochondria
Detox from toxins, heavy metals, mold & parasites
How? By combining a powerful research-based protocol and neuroscience-based coaching!
Beyond a protocol for your body, it is also essential to uncover and transcend the multiple barriers that may arise on this journey, such as:
If you’ve been feeling stuck during your health journey or unable to know where to start with addressing the complex challenge of Lyme disease; if you’d like to get personalized & professional guidance to gain more clarity about your next steps, I invite you to book a discovery session with me.
This session usually lasts 120 minutes, the current investment is 397$ (approx. USD$290).
All sessions are offered over the phone or on a user-friendly online platform with camera.
It is time for you to stop the trial and error that is costing you a lot more than it should and to understand the most optimal path to take in order to regain your life, strength, energy, freedom, wellbeing as you open up greater opportunities to fulfill your Life's Purpose!
Hi! This is Catherine Gagnon. I hold a Master’s degree as a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner and practice as a Health & Life Coach with an expertise in Lyme disease coaching. I’m so grateful to say that I’ve recovered within a year from a stage 3 chronic Lyme using natural methods.
I was infected with Lyme in 2000 in Australia but didn’t know about it until June of 2016 when the disease started to take over most of my body.
It started with digestive issues, bloating, belly pain, and intermittent diarrhea.
Then it involved my lungs with a spontaneous pneumothorax (partial lung collapse) and difficulty breathing. Heart palpitations even at rest, intermittent sweats/fevers with intense chills, feeling frozen in the middle of hot summer days. I had migrating pain in my muscles, joints, weird headaches, pain under my feet, pain in my jaw, neck and teeth.
Then I had lost visual depth and was seeing the world in 2D instead of 3D. I couldn’t drive at night because of severe light sensitivity. I lost 17lbs on an already lean body, was losing hair as if I was undergoing chemotherapy and most of all I was exhausted!
My periods went from 30 to 70 days, my skin was aging fast and white hair was growing like weeds. I went from being a very active person (biking, hang glider pilot, horse riding, skiing, gardening) to having to having to lay down after 5 minutes of stationary bike! It was very debilitating and many times in the midst of feeling discouraged, depressed and afraid of the future, I thought about putting an end to all of this.
But I was bustling with life! Being the world traveller and achiever I had always been, I wouldn’t quit in the face of this illness! I conducted extensive research throughout the Lyme literature from different Lyme experts and built my own protocol based on overlapping findings. I made many lifestyle changes from my diet to the way I was dealing with stress, people and work.
It didn’t take me very long for me to realize that Lyme disease had been a gift from life that was wrapped in thorns, showing me that I wasn’t living in alignment with my values and my deep essence. When I decided to face the music and make some tough but necessary decisions. I regained 10lbs and loads of energy in just 2 weeks!
Within 4 months of following my active protocol while getting transformational coaching I regained 80% of my normal and within 8 months I was at 90%. At the year mark I had regained 95% of my normal and have been on a low dose maintenance protocol for over 3 years now, living a normal life! This is UNHEARD of for chronic Lyme disease!!
With all this knowledge I feel passionate about helping people who suffer from Lyme not only to speed up their healing journey but also to help them find the underlying gift of Lyme in their life (yes there is always one!).
I teach “Life Over Lyme – Optimal Management from Diagnosis to Treatment”, a powerful 12- hour online course where you can get personalized answers to your questions and have access to written bonus material including the whole protocol created as a result of my extensive research.
This is THE course I wish I had when I was sick and with this course alone, I would have saved $50K of the $75K I spend to recover my health and my life!
Regain your life and spread your wings!
YES, there IS a Life Over Lyme as my clients and myself are a living proof of that!
My mission is to help people suffering from Lyme disease acquire the knowledge and transcend the barriers needed to save time, money, and health during their healing journey from Lyme disease so that they can enjoy their life, regain freedom and feel a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing.
In Love and Health
Catherine Gagnon
1 (819) 323-9399
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