There is a way out of Lyme disease!
Life Over Lyme
A proven holistic step-by-step protocol for those who are actively looking for a way to get better and stop losing their time, money and mental sanity to Lyme.

It might be hard to believe but recovering from Lyme doesn’t have to be overwhelming and a never-ending story that makes you bankrupt!
Chances are that if you've been living with Lyme for a while and trying many avenues to no avail, that there’s something missing to your protocol. I get it, what’s out there is definitely confusing!
Doing “a little of this” and “a little of that” doesn’t work or will take such a long time that it’ll end up being way more expensive than it needs to be.
It is possible to fully recover from Lyme (even the chronic form), to regain your health and life when you’re willing to go all in, just like my clients and I did!
Show me how!Meet Catherine
My name is Catherine Gagnon. I’ve been in your shoes. I’m so grateful to say that I’ve recovered within a year from a stage 3 chronic Lyme using natural methods.
I hold a Master’s degree as a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner and practice as a Health & Life Coach with an expertise in Lyme disease coaching.

I was infected with Lyme in 2000 in Australia but didn’t
know about it until June of 2016 when the disease started
to take over most of my body.
It started with digestive issues, bloating, belly pain, difficulty concentrating, searching for words and brain fog.
Then it involved my lungs with a spontaneous pneumothorax (partial lung collapse) and difficulty breathing. Heart palpitations even at rest, intermittent sweats/fevers with intense chills, feeling frozen in the middle of hot summer days. I had migrating pain in my muscles, joints, weird headaches, pain under my feet, pain in my jaw, neck and teeth.
I lost visual depth and was seeing the world in 2D instead of 3D. I couldn’t drive at night because of severe light sensitivity (photophobia). I lost 17lbs on an already lean body, was losing hair as if I was undergoing chemotherapy and most of all I was so exhausted!

My periods went from 30 to 70 days, my skin was aging fast and white hair was growing like weeds on my head. I went from being a very active person (biking, hang glider pilot, horse riding, skiing, gardening) to having to lay down after 5 minutes of stationary bike! It was very debilitating and many times in the midst of feeling discouraged, depressed and afraid of the future, I thought about putting an end to all of this.
At the time of this active illness, I was working as a Nurse Practitioner and soon realized that the answers to this debilitating disease weren’t present in conventional medicine. So I conducted extensive research throughout the Lyme literature from different Lyme experts and built my own protocol based on evidence. I made many lifestyle changes from my diet to the way I was dealing with stress, people and work.
It didn’t take me very long for me to realize that Lyme disease had been a gift from life that was wrapped in thorns, showing me that I wasn’t living in alignment with my values and my deep essence. When I decided to face the music and make some tough but necessary decisions. I regained 10lbs and loads of energy in just 2 weeks!
Within 4 months of following my active protocol while getting transformational coaching I regained 80% of my normal and within 8 months I was at 90%. At the year mark I had regained 95% of my normal and have been on a low dose maintenance protocol for over 4 years now, living a normal life! This is UNHEARD of for chronic Lyme disease!!
With all this knowledge I feel passionate about helping people who suffer from Lyme not only to speed up their healing journey but also to help them find the underlying gift of Lyme in their life (yes there is always one!).
I teach “Life Over Lyme – Optimal Management from Diagnosis to Treatment”, a powerful 12- hour online course where you can get personalized answers to your questions and have access to written bonus material including the whole protocol created as a result of my extensive research.
This is THE course I wish I had when I was sick and with this course alone, I would have saved $50K of the $75K I spent to recover my health and my life!
Get the protocol here
Don’t wait it out or only take antimicrobials for Lyme disease
because it will either take forever to recover from it or it just won't work.
Discover the 6 pillars
that are necessary to optimize your recovery from Lyme disease.
And if your goal is a speedy recovery, these 6 pillars must be addressed simultaneously through natural supplements, diet, lifestyle changes, mindset and emotional healing.

Uncover and shift what might be hindering your healing from Lyme
Beyond a protocol for your body, it is also essential to uncover and transcend the multiple barriers that may arise on this journey, such as:
- Self doubt or fear about the future
- Feelings of guilt and shame
- Anger, resentment or sadness about the situation
- Dealing with difficult relationships
- Difficulty saying no or setting healthy boundaries
- Loss of hope
- Always taking care of others before yourself
- Overextending yourself in different projects and circumstances
- Not knowing what to eat or knowing what to do, and reach a state of inertia
- Unsure which supplements to take
- Feeling lost on this journey
- Feeling unheard by medical practitioners
- Emotional & Stress management
Save Time, Money and Health on your Healing Journey from Lyme disease.
By combining a powerful research-based protocol and neuroscience-based coaching!
In this online course you'll get
4 Modules which address all 6 Pillars of Treatment
An Evidence-Based Result-Proven Protocol
- Everything you need to know about the pathophysiology of Lyme and co-infection including how to treat each of them.
- Insightful videos about signs and symptoms and support you in treating Lyme that you can watch at your own pace
- The written protocol that I've built to recover from Lyme within a year
- Bonus videos explaining in details how to use the protocol and the different tools available to accelerate your recovery
- A user-friendly schedule to facilitate the integration of the treatment into your daily life
- The dosages and timing as to when to use plants and supplements
- Where to order your products from safe and effective places (saving you HOURS of research)
Foods as Medicine
- Know which foods to include, which ones to exclude from your daily diet and why!
- Recipes to support you to know exactly which food to eat to accelerate your recovery
Detox: Clean Up the Toxic Buildup that Comes with Actively Fighting Infections
- Know how to properly use supplements, sauna and other devices to help your body cleanse and avoid side effects of the treatment
- Journal to track the progress of your symptoms
How to Deal with Stress and Emotions that can Severely Hinder Your Progress
- How to deal with toxic people
- Where to find a tribe of supportive people
- How to let go of negative emotions that have impact on your different organs
* Action Guides to provide you with accountability to move forward
* A user-friendly platform to receive personalized answers to your questions within 72hrs
Here's What Other's are Saying...
"Catherine Gagnon! A name I will never forget. As I was in treatment to fight Lyme disease, Catherine helped me a lot with my protocol of care, my treatment schedule, my food, detox etc ... Also, one of the most beautiful gifts she gave me is to have returned to being myself fully, to respect my needs, respect who I am, set healthy boundaries and finally move ahead with my artistic projects. She believed in me and trusted me. She supported me during difficult times, she was available and very open minded during my 90 days of intensive transformation. What a treasure she is!"
Thank you! Catherine.
"I was completely lost, physically, emotionally with regards to my questioning about Lyme. I had scored very high on an Elisa test but it was considered a false positive. My symptoms were dizziness, mental fog, extreme fatigue, fever, confusion etc... Then I started the coaching sessions for Lyme and made drastic changes in many aspects of my life as I followed Catherine's advice. Food, natural supplement, exercise and emotional healing to regain my self-confidence. Gradually my symptoms decreased, I regained confidence in myself. I had the answers to my questions, I had the support and the trust of a group of people who lived the same thing as me. Wow what a relief. I'm still not 100% certain that I have Lyme disease but it does not matter because my health has dramatically improved and I can say that Catherine Gagnon contributed a lot to this victory. Thank you so much Catherine, please continue to be inspiring and dedicated to get involved in this cause and give us lots of energy."
"Lyme, this complex infection, was explained to me as never in all my researches, including those carried out on the website of the Quebec Association of Lyme Disease. Catherine explains everything you need to know to get by and all the way from the first symptoms to your own healing. I decided to follow her example by committing myself on the same path as hers. Already with this training I had everything in hand to engage in this process and I decided to also engage in her 12 weeks coaching program for Lyme disease. After only a week or two everything began to improve: the rib pain decreased, I realized that I had less difficulty breathing, had no more morning diarrhea, one pee at night instead of three, more energy during the day. After 3 weeks I could make sentences that made sense gain. In 5 weeks I regained more energy than I expected. After 7 weeks, almost no more pain, and in 10 weeks I had almost no more symptoms of Lyme. Catherine Gagnon who, after intensive research with leading Lyme specialists from the United States, was able to make her own protocol and heal her own Lyme infection. And here I am, following her steps and I heal too!! All of that with almost no Herx! Thank you so much Catherine for helping me get on with my life again!! I'm forever grateful to you!"
Get a checklist of symptoms per co-infection so you can have a clearer understanding of what your body is fighting.
Recover your Health & Life too
How long do I have access to the program?
Will you guide me to personalize my protocol?
Are there any refunds?
Will I be completely healed once I do this program?
Can I interact with other people with Lyme?
Can I take the products you suggest even if I’m already taking antibiotics?
How much does it cost to buy all the products?
Do you sell the products?
How do I know what product to buy and when to take it?
Use the protocol—RECOVER FROM LYME.
Regain your life and spread your wings!
YES, there IS a Life Over Lyme as my clients and myself are a living proof of that!
My mission is to help people suffering from Lyme disease acquire the knowledge and transcend the barriers needed to save time, money, and health during their healing journey from Lyme disease so that they can enjoy their life, regain freedom and feel a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing.
Let’s begin your recovery!Disclaimer
The information contained on this website is provided for general information only and is the result of our personal research. The content and services offered is for educational purposes only, and doesn't replace the advice of a health care professional, nor constitute any diagnostic or treatment of an illness or disease.